Robert Hack (Dr. H.R.G.K. Hack, MIMM, CEng, mAEG)
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phone: +31 (0)53 4874285 (office); +31 (0)53 4874426 (secretary); +31 (0)71 5124645 (home); +31 (0)6 24505442 (mobile) fax +31 (0)53 4874336 International Institute for Geoinformation Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Post address: P.O. Box 6, 7500 AA Enschede, The NetherlandsVisiting address: Hengelosestraat 99, Enschede, The Netherlands email: personal web page: | |
List of publications | |
Main educational subjects: | |
Engineering Geological and Geotechnical Modelling, Site Investigation, Information Technology, Engineering Geophysics, Rock Mechanics. | |
Recent research activities: | |
Uncertainty and likelihood of geotechnical models "Sinking Cities" - Three-dimensional settlement determination with groundwater model for urban planning in low lying areas with high groundwater level (Reeuwijk, The Netherlands) Characterizing (in-) homogeneity of soil and rock Decay of geotechnical properties of soil and rock masses in engineering times Earthquake hazard and risk assessment (micro-zonation, numerical two- and three-dimensional modeling of resonance effects in slopes - "crocodile-tale effect" - and irregular sub-surface boundaries, etc) Digital data in the geosciences (ESF conferences) Information technology in engineering geology | |
Recent consulting projects: | |
"Bhutan Access" advisory and training services in Bhutan for road planning, routing and design, foundation design, urban planning, repair of historical building foundations, engineering geology, site investigation, etc. 3-dimensional modeling of bored tunnel in soft soil (Heinenoord tunnel) Environmental Impact Assessment for tailings dams and leaching plant in Zambia Rapid Inventory of Earthquake Damage (RIED) Land Water Environment & Information Technology program (integration of information technology in the civil engineering industry) Jetty design in Malaysia Numerical modeling in mine design (European Union project) | |
Miscellaneous: | |
Member Scientific Committee 11 International Conference of the International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM), Lisbon, Portugal, July 2007 Member Organizing Committee and Moderator Scientific Committee 1st European Regional Conference of the International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (EurEnGeo2004), Liege, Belgium, 4-7 May 2004 Chairman Scientific Committee 1st International Conference of Sustainable Development and Management of the Subsurface (SDMS), Utrecht, Netherlands, 5-7 November 2003 Member Scientific Organising Committee European Sciense Foundation (ESF) Conference "New Paradigms for the Prediction of Subsurface Conditions", Spa, Belgium, 7-12 July, 2001 Past Member of the "Working Group on Societal Applications of the Geosciences (WGSAG)" of the COMMISSION FOR THE MANAGEMENT AND APPLICATION OF GEOSCIENCE INFORMATION" (COGEOINFO) of the INTERNATIONAL UNION OF GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES Past-President of the Ingeokring - Dutch Association for Engineering Geology Past- National Representative for The Netherlands of the International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG)
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Supervised and ongoing doctorate (PhD) research: | |
1999 – to date : Likelihood and certainty of geological and geotechnical models of the subsurface. Various PhD (Zhu and partially Ozmutlu) and MSc. studies 1998 – to date : Degradation of geotechnical properties of soil and rock masses due to weathering in engineering times. Various PhD (Huisman) and MSc. Studies. 1998 – to date : Definition of homogeneity and inhomogeneity of soil and rock masses and methods to determine homogeneity by laser or other remote sensing tools Various PhD (Slob) and MSc. Studies 1997 – to date : Earthquake response and influence of shallow geological, geotechnical and topographic irregularities and topsoil inhomogeneity on resonance spectra for civil engineering structures. Numerical modelling and development of empirical relations for earthquake response estimation. Various MSc projects, PhD study proposal pending. 1997 – 2001 : Supervision Ph.D. research of S. Ozmutlu, Ph.D. thesis title: “Intelligent Decision Support Systems for Engineering Geology”; design and development of automated systems for soft soil and rock tunnelling, dredging and excavatability. 1997 : Predicting subsurface conditions for geotechnical modelling / by B. Orlic. - Delft : ITC, 1997. - 192 p. ; 25 cm. - PhD thesis Technical University Delft ; Summaries in Dutch and English. - ISBN 90-6164-140-3 (ITC Publication ; 55) (ITC Dissertation ; 46). ABSTRACT, supervisor: Hack, thesis availability: ITC Library
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Supervised Master of Science (MSc) theses: | |
See MSc research and theses projects
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Last update of this page: 20-Jul-09 14:28 webmaster |