Compilation of all Falset data to final report on engineering geological map 1993. Compilation of all Falset data to final report on engineering geological map / by E. Kouokam. - Delft : ITC, 1993. - 90 p. + 1 datasheet ; 30 cm. - ITC MSc-thesis. ABSTRACT, supervisor: Hack, thesis availability: ITC Library. ABSTRACT During the last three years (1990-1992), fieldwork exercises in engineering geological mapping have been carried out in Falset (Spain) by the students of the section Engineering Geology of ITC and TU Delft. During these fieldworks, a large amount of precious data have been collected and differently represented on the maps by different groups of students. 18 map sheets have been produced at a scale of 1/10,000. It has appeared the need of synthesizing all this information in order to make it profitable by producing a homogeneous document easily readable and understandable by users who are not necessarily engineering geologists. Discrepancies in boundaries, the descriptions of the units between adjacent groups, and some gaps in the area mapped from 1990 to 1992, made it necessary to organize another fieldwork in 1993 to solve these problems. In this report, a brief overview of the mapping method, basis for the data collection is presented, followed by the approach used to compile the data gathered, the difficulties encountered in the result will be presented in the form of a compiled legend, basis for the 1/25,000 engineering geological map, still under the process of finalization.
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