Slope stability probability classification SSPC

1996.  / by H.R.G.K. Hack. -Enschede : ITC, 1996. - 258 p. ; 30 cm. - PhD thesis Technical University Delft ; Summaries in Dutch and English. - ISBN 90-6164-125-X (ITC Publication ; 43). (reprinted 1998) ABSTRACT, supervisor: Price (Technical University Delft) & Rengers, thesis availability: ITC Library


The need to include discontinuity properties in slope stability analyses and the poor results of existing rock mass classification systems applied to slope stability has led to the development of a rock Slope Stability Probability Classification (SSPC) system. The system has been developed during four years of research in Falset, province Tarragona, Spain.

The rock slope classification scheme, which has been developed, classifies rock mass parameters in one or more exposures. These are compensated for weathering and excavation disturbance in the exposures and parameters important for the mechanical behaviour of a slope for an imaginary unweathered and undisturbed 'reference' rock mass are calculated. The slope stability assessment thence allows assessment of the stability of the existing or any new slope in the reference rock mass, with allowance for the influence of excavation method and future weathering. The large quantity of data allowed for the development of a classification system based on probabilities. This resulted in a classification system based on a probability approach: the 'Slope Stability Probability Classification' (SSPC).



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