Quality of labour - intensive compaction of unbound granulate road bases Vol. I and II

1999. Quality of labour - intensive compaction of unbound granulate road bases Vol. I and II / by K. Jaishi. - Delft : ITC, 1999. - 113 p.,135 p. ; 30
cm. - ITC MSc-thesis. ABSTRACT, supervisor(s): Molenaar (Technical University Delft) & Zigterman, thesis availability: ITC Library.


Labour-intensive construction of roads is very popular in the developing world. The reasons behind that are obvious. As most developing countries have a surplus of labour and a shortage of foreign exchange, labour-based techniques would also offer an employment-creating alternative, which uses only limited amounts of foreign exchange. Many studies and researches done in the field of labour-intensive road construction in 70’s and 80’s by International Labour Organization (ILO) and World Bank (WB) have confirmed its technical and economical viability.

In one hand the quality of road constructed by labour-intensive method should be comparable to that constructed by equipment-intensive method and it should not result into the poor quality of road. At the same time in other hand labour-intensive does not mean that construction has to be done without any tools and equipment. Of course, some simple equipment and tools at different stages of construction are needed. For instance during the construction of an earthen embankment or a road pavement some sort of compaction equipment is needed. The purpose of this research was to investigate the quality of compaction of unbound granulate road bases in relation to their compactive and mechanical behaviour by using vibrating plate as a simple labour-intensive compaction equipment.

In this research an extensive literature review is made in order to get an insight into the factors affecting the compactive and mechanical behaviour of the unbound granular material. Furthermore a review has been made on previous studies and researches in the field of labour-intensive road construction and about the uses of unbound granulate road bases.


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